Solutions to visual problems with special lenses
ChromaGen is a special dye that is applied to an optical lens to improve vision and perception by treating a previously undetected visual impairment. The symptoms of this visual impairment can be seen in people with already diagnosed disorders such as: colour blindness, dyslexia, attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, headaches, learning immaturity, and are also prescribed to treat myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia, among other visual problems.
What are Chromagen lenses and what are they for?
Thanks to ChromaGen lenses and contact lenses, it is possible to adjust and fix the frequency of light, thus improving image transmission and the quality of the information reaching the brain and its understanding. They are indicated for the treatment of disorders related to alterations of light, ocular structure, motor coordination and those related to learning.

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To guarantee a personalised service at the optician's, we recommend that you make an appointment in advance. Contact us using the form below or by telephone or through WhatsApp. Once we get your enquiry, we will contact you in the blink of an eye